We are officially on our way to our first visit from the tooth fairy!
Preston and Jeremy worked very hard for about 15 minutes to get his very first loose tooth OUT! I have a very sensitive stomach when it comes to these things, meaning matter of the mouth, and I took absolutely no part in it.
As a matter of fact, at the moment that I heard Jeremy say, "go show Mom" I about lost my lunch. I could just imagine what the two of them had done with that tooth!
Added: The tooth fairy came and she very generously gave Preston $1. The next morning he came to tell me that she had been there and had some great things to say.
"She must be good. I didn't even know she was there!"
Mom: "Wow, you will be rich by the time all your teeth fall out."
Preston "I already am. My piggy bank is full."
{Which I didn't believe but happened to be true when later in the week we took it to the bank and he deposited $34.20! Where that all came from I have NO idea!}
Hopefully all of his teeth are this easy when they come out....AND....I Don't have to help!
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