The kitchen sink.
Like a lot of moms, I spend an incredible amount of my time here. Washing dishes, cleaning food, preparing food, washing hands, cleaning up messes. You get the picture.
In an ideal world I would have a window to look out at a beautiful sunrise of sunset while I slave away. Since I don't have that, I hung this cute mirror. Now I am able to constantly keep tabs on what is going on behind me....added bonus! The kids can't get away with anything now! And I have seen a guest or two checking their appearance in my magic mirror...
I made the Create Joy banner hanging on the mirror before we moved into this house, but the colors are just perfect for this little nook. You can just barely tell, but the cabinets right around the sink are painted turquiose and I LOVE that. Jeremy thought I was crazy, but it is just the lift that I need each time I go that direction to finish a task.
The ring holder {I don't know what it is technically called} was Jeremy's grandma's and I chose it when all the grandaughters went through her things after she and Papa both passed away. It is just what I needed to keep my rings out of the sink and I don't misplace them this way. I may put a bracelet or two on there as well!!
I try to make sure that the sink is clean and free of dirty dishes each night before leaving the kitchen. For some odd reason, having a clean sink for breakfast seems to make the whole day go a little smoother.
Not one of my favorite places to be, but one of my most frequently visited!