Friday, January 29, 2010



Papa Jene got a new motorcycle today!

He was like a 16 year old kid getting his first car...he couldn't WAIT to come by and show it off! This is his new black, Harley Davidson.

I said this bike was "sexier" looking that his last bike and Preston repeated me immediately! That ought to make for a good story at school, don't you think?



A treat with Preston after school!

Jeremy usually picks Preston up from school, but today Mom did and we went to the Kremee and got a Cherry-Limeade before heading home.

These are the things I LOVE doing with my kids...spending a little one-on-one time and getting a small treat to enjoy together! The kids always seem to smile just a little more when it is just them with Mom.



Delivering a pan of piping hot, delicious meatballs to neighbors with a new baby!



NFL playoffs! Watching to see if the Vikings and Adrian Peterson are gonna get to go to the Super Bowl.

Oh yeah, Brett Favre too!

{Unfortunately the Saints won, so now we will have to cheer for the Colts!}

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Bad Momma!

23 days in and I have missed my first day...oh well!

I originally thought I would just pick a photo from a different day this week that didn't make it.

Then I decided that since I had missed a day the project wouldn't be complete and I was a failure.

Finally, I just decided that it really wasn't that big a deal and I would just pick up the next that's what I am doing. Cutting myself a little bit of slack and moving on!

Another great photo coming tomorrow!



A check-up at the eye doctor!  I felt like I might need a new prescription, but Dr. Thibault said, nope, just tired!  Good news I guess, but doesn't help me out much right now.  He did give me some suggestions to help reduce my eye strain and hopefully help...

Best part of the day was running into my friend, Traci, at the eye doctor.  It was her first time to meet Westynn and it was her lucky day because I had the whole crew with me (ha!).  Great to see her, but not enough time to chat before they called me back.



Inspired by this blogger friend, Becky, to post on my other blog about my menu planning and shopping process.



Soup supper tonight at the Christian Church here in Coldwater.  The kids enjoyed a bowl of chili and J and I had some delicious potato soup.  We also scarfed down wonderful homemade pies!

Jeremy chose lemon merignue, Preston opted out and Cambree and I picked this peanut butter, which she kept referring to as "zebra" pie!  Too cute!

Westynn didn't get to enjoy the food, but he did get lots of attention, which he loved!



The Craft Princess wanted a project today.

We came up with one she really enjoyed.

We taped two pieces of construction paper together.

Wrote her name with a marker.

Glued macaroni over the letters.

It kept her busy for over an hour and she was SO very proud of it when she was done!



A bankers' holiday means a quiet afternoon for mom! I took advantage of the time to finish the quilt top for Cambree's birthday.

I took this picture before I sewed all the blocks together, but it is complete now and waiting to be quilted!!! Hope she likes it, because I put a lot of love into each stitch and I can't wait for her to snuggle with it.

Monday, January 18, 2010



More Wii.

I promise we do more than just play Wii.

But we just had to try out Jennifer's Wii Fit Plus.

Hula Hooping is an option for aerobic activity. It is a RIOT!! to watch others try it.

We DEFINITELY have to get one of these. I tried several of the activities and I really enjoyed it AND I can FEEL it this morning! The yoga is killer!



Finally getting to celebrate Christmas with Papa Rusty & Jennifer!

A new Wii game to play {errr...try to play!}



{most of} Preston's kindergarten class. Taken right after they had helped with the Homecoming festivities at South Central High School.

Chrissy Selzer and Andrew Hess were named Queen & King.

I won't even go into how I feel about homecoming these days. Maybe it will be a thing of the past by the time my kids get into H.S. I can wish, right?

Anyways, the kindergarteners had a great time and that is what really matters I guess!

Friday, January 15, 2010



There are no words needed for this picture! I just LOVE it!!!



A little something I am working on for Cambree's birthday. She keeps asking me what I am making and when I tell her it is a suprise, she says,

"I can keep a secret Mom!"



Cambree took this picture of Grandma Robin! She is following in her Mom's footsteps and her Mama LOVES it!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010



A girl and her daddy watching a "strawberry" cow sale!



The kitchen sink.

Like a lot of moms, I spend an incredible amount of my time here. Washing dishes, cleaning food, preparing food, washing hands, cleaning up messes. You get the picture.

In an ideal world I would have a window to look out at a beautiful sunrise of sunset while I slave away. Since I don't have that, I hung this cute mirror. Now I am able to constantly keep tabs on what is going on behind me....added bonus! The kids can't get away with anything now! And I have seen a guest or two checking their appearance in my magic mirror...

I made the Create Joy banner hanging on the mirror before we moved into this house, but the colors are just perfect for this little nook. You can just barely tell, but the cabinets right around the sink are painted turquiose and I LOVE that. Jeremy thought I was crazy, but it is just the lift that I need each time I go that direction to finish a task.

The ring holder {I don't know what it is technically called} was Jeremy's grandma's and I chose it when all the grandaughters went through her things after she and Papa both passed away. It is just what I needed to keep my rings out of the sink and I don't misplace them this way. I may put a bracelet or two on there as well!!

I try to make sure that the sink is clean and free of dirty dishes each night before leaving the kitchen. For some odd reason, having a clean sink for breakfast seems to make the whole day go a little smoother.

Not one of my favorite places to be, but one of my most frequently visited!


girls night

A night out at the movie with good friends!

"Life's sweetest joys are those shared with a friend."

Saturday, January 9, 2010



It's the little, simple things in life that give me the most joy.

I don't know if Westynn will agree with me in a few years when he looks back at this picture! A MOHAWK after his bath!!

His hair is so soft and fuzzy right now and I just can't enough of it.



A clean table!

It's one of my goals for the year...and maybe I have set myself up for failure, but I am going to give it my best shot.

So today I completely cleared off the surface and put all the things away that tend to collect here. What do we put here...mail, toys, clothes...anything that we need to put down when we come in.

Cambree and I are going to pick out some "pretty" things to put on the table to, hopefully, keep us motivated to keep it clean!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010



Aren't these two just the cutest boys ever?! They are definitely brothers...looking at Westynn is like lookin at Preston at this age.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010



The crafty princess up to more of her shinanigans!

A kid in a forest. For daddy.

You on a pony when you were little. For momma.

My Little Pony. For uncle Russ.

And that was enough cleaning up paint for one mom. A hose down for Cambree and the pictures are drying in the could take awhile!

p.s. I am loving the pigtails on Cambree changes her looks so dramatically.



Grocery day! I manage to feed our family for an entire week with two bags of groceries and usually about $50 or less!! We don't eat fancy, but we don't go hungry.



Before bed snuggles with Dad...and perhaps a story or two by Preston!

Sunday, January 3, 2010



This is my little corner of the living room! I have all the things I need here.

Magazines and books.
A place for a drink.
Picture of the kids {courtesty of my new digital picture frame}.
Lamp to work by.
Pens & pencils.
Usually a blanket or two not far away!

My little place to sit and relax once all the kids are in bed and the house is quiet finally! A place where I find inspiration, where I blog, where I edit photos, where I sit and watch my favorite shows on t.v., where I re-charge my batteries to tackle the next day! I LOVE my little corner of the living room!



This is what I love about being at home.  Capturing my children doing the strangest, yet cutest of things!

Who would know that watching cartoons could be so much better if you sat in a basket and watched them?

Silly kid!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Project 365

This is the year I am doing Project 365.  The concept is that you take a picture a day, each and every day for one entire year, to capture your life at that moment.  I had intentions of doing it last year, but when I found out I was unexpectedly going to have baby #3, I was too stresed out at the begining of the year to think about it and pursue it.

But this year I am doing it!  And this is where I am going to document it all.  A picture a day and a little journaling to go with it.  At the end of the year, I can have my blog printed into a book and ta-da 2010 captured one picture at a time for the rest of our lives.

If you want to join me, simply google "project 365" and you will get a TON of links to browse through and choose the system that will work the best for you.  I hope that you enjoy seeing our journey through 2010!