Monday, August 2, 2010


"Hangin'" with Papa on the deck.


29 on the 29th!

I celebrated with a picnic in the park with my kiddo's and my parents.  Birthdays don't get much better than this!


There's not a lot that is more fun that playing in the sprinkler on a HOT summer day!


Tired baby girl!


Sleepy baby boy!


Preston running the 75m race in his very first Play Day at South Central!  He placed third in this event.  1st place in the football throw.  2nd place in the standing long jump. 

We are so proud of him!

Sunday, August 1, 2010


More fun at the ranch.

Or the neighbors I guess.  We went down South to Brensing's pond today and did a little fishing.  Everyone caught at least one, but we got stormed out early. 


A little fun out at the ranch.  We took the kids out to shoot turtles {don't judge us!}.

Preston took this AMAZING {haha} picture of the two of us.  It has become very apparent that we don't have enough pictures of just the two of us.  So I am being more conscience about asking others to take the camera.


We see a lot of this around our house.  Cambree loves to color and do art projects.

This momma really doesn't mind having to clean up long as no one is coloring on the walls!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


On the verge of crawling!  Lots of squigglin' crawlin' they call it!!!

My momma doesn't know what a shock she is going to be in when I really start to crawl...I will give her a few more days to get prepared!!


See those books on the floor?  I spend a great deal of my time putting books back on the shelves.  I think Westynn's favorite thing to do is to pull books off the shelf.  While I don't like having them all over the floor, I know that this is the beginning of his love of reading.  The other two kids did the same thing when they were his age and they are lovers of books now.


Last afternoon at home with the kiddos before I start a new job and C & W start going to daycare!  We got out the remote for the camera and just had some fun being goofy and silly!

Until they started fighting over the remote...oh well, such is the life of 6 and 4 year olds!


Had quite the little hail storm this evening!  Made the ground look like it was covered in snow.  Kids found it fascinating!


Silly kids wearing their coats in the summer...just hangin' on the porch! 

This one is a crack-up!


LOVE. LOVE. LOVE that the new fridge has room to hold 60+ frosted cupcakes!  Cupcakes are ready to be devoured at Brett's graduation party!


Jeremy cut these dead branches out of our apples tree and the kids made good use of them before they get hauled off.   Tonight it was their FORT!  Very creative little stinks, don't you think?  They even had a "door" that you had to enter through.  I just love watching little imaginations at work!


Here we are "enjoying" an evening at Grandma Robin's and Papa Jene's.  Papa bought this swing for Westynn and he LOVES to swing in it.  Almost as much, the big kids love to push him in it.  You might notice the fighting going on in the background!  While I had much better pictures of Westynn from this evening, this picture was more indicative of our evening.


Preston's first school field trip! 

Today Mrs. Jackson's kindergarten class went to Dodge City.  They got to enjoy the zoo and a picnic in the park followed by a round of bowling before heading back to Protection.  When they got to Protection they got to go to Don's for ice cream cones.

It was so cute because Preston told me that they got to go to Dillon's for ice cream.  I asked if they all went in or if Mrs. Jackson went it and got it.  They all went in, he said.  I was so very impressed that Mrs. Jackson took a class of 18, mostly 6 year olds, into Dillon's to buy some frozen ice cream cones.  When I asked what town Dillon's was in, Preston told me Protection.  I had to get the real story from Mrs. Jackson. She told me that the whole class had to go to the bathroom at Don's as well.  Monkey see, monkey do I suppose!

The trip was a fun one for Preston and I am so glad, because I don't know who was most excited when the day started, him or his mother!

Sunday, May 16, 2010



Cambree got a hold of the it!



A little Mother's Day banner to help celebrate at church.  It made me feel better even if no one else cared or noticed!!



Frazier Mother-Daughter Tea, 2010.

Many laughs.
Good Food.
Memories made.
Tradition carried on.



It's amazing what a little internet search and twenty minutes will do to solve a problem!  I needed something to put my plastic bags in...this is the end result.  Now I just need a good place to hang it...hmmm?



Ooey, Gooey, Chocolaty SMORES!!!  Grandma and Papa Jene came over and brought the makings for smores...we are thinking about inviting them over every evening!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010



I just couldn't resist. When I came out the front door and saw this sitting in our yard, I just knew it had to be the picture of the day. What is it about Barbies and not having any clothes on? I know there are some around here somewhere. On a sidenote, the Barbie car was mine when I was a little girl! Hey, at least these ladies won't have any tan lines!!



May is here! That means it was time to get some things done around the house. The carport was in serious need of a little cleaning. Mom came over this afternoon in the A-1 pickup and we cleaned out the flower beds AND the carport. You wouldn't believe the amount of "junk" that we had collected just since we moved here. Some of it was still in the boxes we moved from the old went straight to the junk pile. It feels so good to have a nice, clean place to park our cars and bikes.



Oh this spring weather is just wonderful. We spent most of our day outdoors, riding bikes! Preston is getting quite brave and quite fast on his new bike. I can only imagine where all we will ride this summer.



"Oh how I wish I could go out there!"



More bathtime fun with Westynn! He gets really excited when he sees water being poured out. Cambree is usually pretty good about entertaining him. I think he is going to LOVE swimming this summer at the pool!



Gymnastics recital tonight! We have spent most of our spring gymnastics sessions working on recital material and tonight was the night it all came together. The girls were adorable and did a fantastic job!!


Gosh...this month has been a rough one for my project.  There is no photo, once again.  Please don't give up on me though...I promise to start doing better!!!



Today I worked in our bedroom, dusting and straightening and re-arranging.  It felt so good to get things put in order.  This is one of our walls.  I got these feather wreaths from the drugstore, well Mom got them for me for Christmas one year.  The "S" came from the bank when they re-modeled last year.  They were going to trash it...I rescued it because I knew it would fill up this space perfectly!

Sunday, April 25, 2010



Westynn wearing big brothers boots!

In the blink of an eye, these will be his boots...if I could just freeze time.



My first sew! I think it turned out pretty cute and I didn't have to rip too many seams I just have to make one for myself since I gave this one away.



An memorable evening spent with a friend.



Had to be VERY brave to take this picture of a TOAD!


My children however, think they are great.


Yeah, I know. Falling way behind this month...need to do better next month!



Spring Concert at South Central Elementary. Kindergarten through 4th grades. Preston's class sang three songs. One of which was Home on the Range...even sang the second verse, which Jeremy and I didn't know. Preston was very proud that he knew something we didn't!


Photo - less today.

Spent the morning at church, ate dinner at church. Then home to naps and the grind around here!  Busy taking care of every one and didn't get a photo taken.  Oh well, it was a good day!



Spent some time this afternoon with one of my favorite teenagers and her family!!





All of this work going on in our neighborhood prompted the "Stranger Danger" talk with Cambree. She came in and said, "I waved at a worker mom!"

Now I am not a nervous Nellie. I generally think we live in a safe neighborhood in a small town. BUT when there are out of town men working on our street, my level of alert goes up a notch.



Lilacs are blooming! They smell so wonderful AND they are purple, my favorite color!!

Now if I could just keep the kids from picking them all off the bushes!



The perfect little model.

I don't even have to ask for these poses anymore, she just comes up with them on her own. Often requesting specific pictures!

We just love our apple tree in the backyard and its blossoms. Cambree picked a few to bring to the front to put in the bare spot of the flower bed!!


Total Slacker today!! No photo.




Jeremy is getting his second round of rabies vaccine today. Yep, rabies!

It's always something with him...but maybe he learned something from this. The shots are PAINFUL and there are a TON of them, so next time it would be smarter just to leave the cow alone. ESPECIALLY, if you think it probably has rabies.

Please Lord, don't let my children inherit this "Stapleton" characteristic!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010



So, I have been meaning to give the cabinets a good wipe down, but this wasn't exactly what I had in mind for motivation!! I dropped a full container of mixed vegetables EVERY.WHERE!!! Wish I could blame it on the kids, but nope, this one is all me.



Picture of the day courtesty of Preston!

{These are ARMY ships BTW, not legos...just in case you were thinking they were Legos!}



Finally a beautiful spring day. We spread a quilt out in the front yard and played outside for awhile. Preston was still at school, but Cambree entertained us by riding her bike up and down the driveway.

I just love that the big kids are old enough to semi-operate the camera now and that they LOVE to! I am sure going to be in a lot more pictures with Westynn that I was with the other two!!



Preston is learning to read!! WOO HOO!

Grandma and Grandpa were so excited to come over and listen to him read part of Go, Dog, Go! to them. It is such a delight to me that he loves to read already!!!



A good's what my grandma and mom drilled into me as a child.  "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!"  I have been trying really hard to eat something other than just cereal everyday.  My latest kick has been English Muffins {this one just happens to be doctored up, but I don't do this all the time!}  And some apple juice, because I don't really like milk.



Even though we didn't get around the dying easter eggs until the day after Easter, it was still fun!! The kids were very creative with their color combinations and Preston even taught us how to write on the egss with a white crayon before putting them in the dye for a cool resist technique!  I love it when they teach me things.





Got up early, stood in line in the chilly morning weather, all to get these two little munchkins $10 giftcards to the new Dollar General in Coldwater. When Preston found out they were going to be giving away gift cards he asked, "Can we be first in line?" How could I say no to that!!

We didn't make it there in time to be first, but we got cards nonetheless and they were so happy.

Saturday, April 3, 2010



Went and picked up the new fridge today!! I haven't been this excited in a long time.

We also got to stop at the Mexican Restaurant in Greensburg for supper on our way home. A GOOD Friday it was, indeed!